
Awareness Raising

Atmaja feels that social awareness regarding adoption and issues relating to adoption need to be improved.  Thus, Atmaja has actively kept in touch with both print and electronic media in order to highlight adoption.  Many articles on adoption and Atmaja’s activites have appeared in the Kolkata press.  Atmaja members have also participated in television programmes.  A two part documentary on Adoption which was screened on DD7 during Adoption Week in November 2003 was made by the EMRC with active input from AtmajaAtmaja also regularly writes Letters to the Editors of newspapers and magazines on issues related to adoption. 

·        Atmaja tries to inform doctors about the option of adoption so that they may advise patients about the possibility of adoption.

·        Atmaja has spoken to some schools about the issue.  For example, some schools insist on the nursing home certificate, rather than the Municipal Corporation Birth Certificate, as proof of age for children during admission.  Atmaja has ensured that in such cases, the deed of adoption be accepted by them.